We are going to a new hotel today because we met up with our friends and they told us we were paying too much where we were... we were paying 28 dollars..
haha. So now we are staying at a place paying 16 dollars and it has cheaper
internet and better air conditioning. I have decided that I brought to much junk with me after lugging it up and down 3 flights of stairs, and now i am about to take it up another 4 flights. D'oh. Its 65 pounds, so i am definitely getting a work out.
All of our electronic goodies are now dead because the voltage in
bangkok is not enough to charge them. Luckily we will not be here very much longer. We decided that it is not worth the risk of going to
Rayong, the beach town, where our friends had so much trouble (trusting the wrong people, transportation, and not enough tourist police ((those are the police that help make sure
farangs/foreigners don't get into trouble legally and physically)) and the likes) So we are going to go back to our original plan, the one i was voicing for the entire time, and we are going to go to
So since i cannot charge my batteries for the camera i can not take any pictures, but the place we are staying at is directly across the street from
MBK mall, google it, and even though it is mostly
farangs/foreigners that are here it still feels very foreign to me. We were walking down the street the first night we were here and we saw
bigggggg rats.
Haha it was insane and then to cats started getting into the loudest cat fight EVER and we went to one of the very abundant 7-11's in the area and was greeted by our first lady boy. Very eventful first night.
Jetlag has gotten the best of us. We took a lot of pills to ease the flight over here, i slept through one of the meals offered on the
seoul flight because i was so drugged up, but other than that it was fine. We slept most of the way from
bangkok and when we got here we fell into a nice sleep pattern. That is until last night when we were wide awake at 5 in the morning and trying to force ourselves to sleep.
haha it was funny. We woke up at 9 and i am just now starting to feel the drowsiness. D'oh. So hopefully we will be fine by the time we make it to
Whew i have spent the last 7 minutes 20 seconds writing this, so i hope that you don't mind if i just copy and paste it into my blog..
haha i'm feeling lazy. Hopefully we will buy some new batteries for the camera today and i can take some pictures. We are buying
thai cellphones today, so we will officially be able to be reached other than by email.
I miss you all so very much. Kisses and hugs to kyle and Jen and don't forget to kiss lolly for me, because i know i did when i left. :(
All in all we are very much alive, safe and having fun in humid and heat... kisses everyone in
d'town, should have come with me. :P