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Design by Dzignine

A string of bad luck...

Long time since I posted, but things have been stagnant here.

And unfortunate circumstances have come about...

My job at London House is no more. They had an influx of students attend their October camp for the first 2 weeks and then it died off. So they were overstaffed. I hadn't been there as long as everyone else so i was let go. :( Sad news, but I think its for the best. London house had too many rules and it was hard for a teacher to actually get any teaching done. I cherish my experience that i had there and the wealth of knowledge I obtained in the short 2 weeks i was working...

Then there is the Laptop. The alienware laptop that Bj won 2 years ago at a computer tournament... it is also no longer in commission. It has decided that it doesn't want to turn on. And it decided this in the only country in the world that does not have the adequate parts to fix it. So now we have lost a very important piece of equipment that we were going to use when we're doing our private lessons...

Which is another issue. The private lessons have not even started either. We have all the supplies, materials and manpower to do it, but we just haven't seemed to come across the motivation to get the job done. We put up fliers but they immediately get taken down. We're not sure if its from prospective students who will call us eventually. Or if its from the Thai cleaning crew at night...

On top of all that, there is Duan. Duan was a "friend" of ours. Not really a friend, more like some one that hung around. At first I was OK with her, she seemed nice and sincere. And then i started noticing subtle things about her. Her eagerness to constantly be around, and when she was around she had to be near Brian. Or touching Brian... I played it up to just me being a woman. But then she would come over and completely ignore me and everyone else, except for Brian. So i knew what was up. We kind of started to push her away, and i guess we pushed too hard.... She came into the house after I went to work one morning and stole 7500 baht from us. That's a little over 200 dollars.... We hadn't seen her for a week and figured she went back to her village in the north, but then Brian and Danny ran into her at a club and he got a confession out of her. As well as a profession of love and other sexual advances...

She promised to get us the money back, but i didn't believe her when she said it and now a week later and still no money, no one else does either. Needless to say she doesn't want to meet me down a dark alley. Don't get me wrong there are steps we can take to get her into trouble with the Tourist police. But it won't get our money back and it would just make her life hell. I'd rather just let it go....

Like the title says this is just a string of bad luck. I'm looking optimistically to the future and i know things will be better. But I'm not delusional and not taking into consideration that things could get worse, but we'll take those as they come too.


matt says:
at: October 20, 2006 at 11:01 AM said...


Well we check in now and then on your blog and were sorry to hear about that chick who stole some baht. The pictures look amazing. I heard they found that creep dude over there who clailmed he killed Jon Benet Ramsey. How's the food? Hope it smoothens out some for you and we wish you the best of luck with your new adventures. Enjoy yourselves!!!

Matt and of course the RI girls say hi. They finally have a guy over there now!