Regardless of what my political agenda may be, I'm going to give you a few links to help you display your candidate, with a little bit of style.
First and foremost, I must show the awesomeness of paperart that was delivered to me from the candidate fairies this morning. Cut it out, fold it, glue it (or if you don't want to wait for the glue to dry like I did, tape is ok) and display on your desk, antenna, pencil, or fingers. Check it out at Fold U.S. Candidate

So that got me to stumbling and googling trying to come up with some other election themed crafts. I did come across some Shrinky Dink earrings and other plastics at a terrific Etsy shop DIY or DIE. How awesome are those?
Just in time for Halloween, Brandi Jasmine's has some fantastic Candidate themed pumpkin carving stencils. A few extras are thrown in at the bottom too. Palin looks rather vicious though, :(
As I find more, I'll make sure to post the links here and of course pictures of anything I create. :)
But while you wait, please check out this hilarious video by JibJab. SFW mild cussing: Time for Some Campaignin'.
at: September 19, 2008 at 8:13 PM said...
Nice! I want to see these puppets debating!
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