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Swap it!

I had mentioned before the different items you could swap online instead of tossing them or attempting to sell. But this topic deserves its own post in entirety as the swapping business is deep and infinite! :)

Book Mooch
BookMooch lets you give away books you no longer need in exchange for books you really want. Every time you give someone a book, you earn a point and can get any book you want from anyone else at BookMooch. Once you've read a book, you can keep it forever or put it back into BookMooch for someone else, as you wish. No cost: there is no cost to join or use this web site: your only cost is mailing your books to others.

Mail a book. Get a book. Any book you request is yours to keep, share or trade. No late fees. No processing charges. No hidden charges. Every time you mail a book to another member, you can request one for yourself from over 3 Million.

A member decides which DVDs he or she has and is willing to swap (DVDs do have to be in cases with the original artwork), then registers a free account with SwapaDVD. The UPC codes on the DVD cases allow the member to list the DVDs quickly (with full descriptions and cover art supplied by the SwapaDVD database) on a virtual DVD Tower as "available" for other members to select. When a member sends out a requested DVD and it is received, DVD credit (1 credit per disc) is deposited into the sender's account. Then the member can order DVDs for himself or herself. Mail a DVD -- Get a DVD! The DVDs can be kept, or swapped again after watching them.

Swap A CD
When another member selects one of my CDs that I have posted, I mail it to them. Yes, I pay about 79 cents postage, but then I get another CD credit and I can select any CD that I want from their huge collection. So another Club Member returns the favor and mails me one of his or her CDs postage-paid. Where else can you trade in an old CD, add a 49 cent processing fee, and then choose another from over 160,000 CDs?

And when someone requests one of your CDs, all you have to do is print a piece of regular paper from your printer which includes the mailing address and the recommended postage. Apply the postage, and drop it in the mail. They even offer the option to print the postage on your wrapper, so you don't even have to leave home to mail it!

Flower Seeds
Swap Flower Seeds
This is one of my favorite ideas. The possibilities are really endless. You could end up with a garden of flowers from all over the world! Do your research before hand and then head over to Thrifty Fun!

The Myspace of Food Lovers
BakeSpace is all about preserving and reinventing this tradition in cyberspace. We're a grassroots online community where people from around the world gather to share recipes, build new friendships, learn from one another and express their passion for all things food-related As a BakeSpace member you can post, search and swap recipes in real-time, and our unique recipe swap feature ensures that you'll always know what your friends are cooking. You can also build and customize your own "online kitchen," raid the "virtual pantry" (forums), upload videos, create blogs, get inspired, share your passion and learn from other members by tapping into our first-of-its-kind mentor program.

Do you like sending and receiving snail mail? Do you like writing letters, making crafts, or putting together fun packages? You should try swapping! Swap-bot is a online service that organizes group swaps and a community of creative individuals. Swap-bot takes the hassle out of participating in group swaps by organizing all of the participant information and doing all of the partner assignments. On Swap-bot, you can host swaps, join swaps, and chat with other swappers from all over the world. Give it a try!

Swap Thing
wapThing is a new and exciting community-driven swapping site that enables you to get the things you want and part with the things you don?t want ? at no cost to you!. You simply list the items/skills/services you are offering, as well as the items/skills/services you are seeking. Search through the items, skills and services offered by other swappers and propose a swap. SwapThing never charges a transaction fee, whether you swap one item or a bundle of items. Any cash transactions, including shipping, are negotiated between swappers, and easily allocated through your PayPal account. If you only want to swap with your friends or a limited number of swappers, then create a SwapCircle community. SwapThing maintains satisfaction information on all transactions to help maintain a safe and secure swapping environment where you can develop trusting relationships with other swappers.