Copyright © Winged Abode
Design by Dzignine

Working Backwards

The Goddess has been remiss in writing down her thoughts and feelings regarding her most recent travels... To correct that she will be adding in blog posts for the more memorable events over the last four months. The posts will go up all out of order, but no bother. The Goddess just wants to leave behind a great trail for her future wanderers to follow. <3

Over the coarse of the last 6 years The Goddess has had four separate blogs: Thai-Fly, I Save You Save, This Lil' Diet of Mine, and Winged Abode.  For the sake of being chronological and for putting all of her posts into one blog, those previous blogs have been added and incorporated into this one.

Six years of blogging about everything from travel, saving, shopping, dieting, exercise, politics, and education.  Personal and professional, it has been a great 6 years.  The Goddess is quite pleased with her legacy at the moment.