I am hereby challenging you, yes you, to survive on $20 cash this week. Not including your essential purchases/bills/expenses, this leaves fuel, groceries, lunch at work or school, entertainment, etc.
How does this work?
Pick a week in the near future and start the week with a twenty dollar bill. If you finish the week off with any money left over, you've survived the challenge!
How do you prepare for such an undertaking?
With gas prices skyrocketing, it is going to definitely take some planning. However, you'll be surprised how resourceful you can be when you have a goal set in mind. Carpooling, busing, hitchhiking (:P) are all methods of getting to work. If you work nearby, try biking or walking.
When it comes to groceries this might prove to be difficult for a family budget, but not impossible! Venture out and see what kind of coupons or deals you can find. The purpose of this challenge is to prove to yourself how resourceful you can be! Clip coupons from the paper, do price challenges, plan your meals for the week, stick to your lists! If you have a fully stocked kitchen, then the time for the challenge is now.
Entertainment is going to be the simplest endeavor. My post "Free City" describes how to find free or discounted events or activities in your city, take advantage of that. If there is a park in your neighborhood, take the initiative and get out while the weather is providing.
The most important thing is to plan plan plan. You can accomplish so much if you do your research before hand. If you're willing to test your potential, then please let me know how it goes.
I'll be starting my twenty dollar challenge Monday next week, I'll be brutally honest with myself about my expenses as well as with you in my posts. I'm actually quite excited, I love short-term goals! They're great ways to gauge how you're doing on the bigger budget picture as well as confidence boosters. I'll keep you updated on the progress and any great deals I stumble on!
I hope you'll plunge into the ISYS Twenty Dollar Challenge.
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