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You, Your Job, Your Money

I'm quite fortunate. I have a job that I love and work with people that know just how to make my day. While it's not all fun and games the work that we do helps a lot of people and I'm glad to be a part of it.

That being said, my job would suck if I was just in it for the money.

There would be no compass, no guiding force to my life other than looking forward to payday and attempting to fill the void in between.

If that describes you, well I'm sorry my friend but it's time to look for a new job. You're not doing yourself any favors and you're not doing your boss any favors, no matter how much they feel they may need you.

So whats the first step?

Well the resume of course. Having a good resume that describes your experience, education and protrays you as an individual confident in their abilities is equivalent to holding the golden ticket to Wonka's factory.

If you take a look at your resume and it doesn't sell yourself to the point where you'd hire yourself, well then thats a problem. Most employers only ever see your resume before they schedule the interview. Your resume is a representation of you so it has to say, "This is me. Here's what I can do. You'd be stupid not to hire me."

Resume Writing services cost money and you know how I feel about that. But never fear! Where there is Google, there is a way.

Resume Resource provides numerous examples for all different types of resumes for all different types of candidates. Use the resources they provide to be of a guideline to writing your own.

Now with your resume in hand, lets go get a job! First place to look...? Well, you could thumb through the paper, check out CareerBuilder or Monster or if you're in El Paso ElPasoHelpWanted.Com. If you have had more success with physical jobsearching than stick to visiting different establishments, speaking with HR, or calling for availability.

If you are having no success on your own a staffing or recruiting firm should be able to help. Keep in mind though that this should be a free service to the jobseeker. Thats a good gauge to determine how profitable and how successful the company truly is.

Hang in there! Don't get discouraged and don't get desperate! If you're applying for a sought-after position it can get a little lengthy and may get you down. Just stick to your guns and continue to utilize the tools and resources you possess to land yourself in a position most suited for you.